Luxury Maroc Revelion
Z 2.475 €

Luxury Maroc Revelion

Data utworzenia: środa, 24 lipca 2024 - Wylot: poniedziałek, 30 grudnia 2024
Ref ID: 10495210
Całkowita cena Z 4.950 €
Data utworzenia: środa, 24 lipca 2024 - Wylot: poniedziałek, 30 grudnia 2024
Destynacje: Marrakesz, Agadir, Agafay Desert, Marrakesz, Marrakesz

Szczegółowy plan podróży

30 gru
Transport z Bukareszt do Marrakesz
WizzAir WizzAir - W43271
16:00 - Bucharest, Henri Coanda (OTP)
19:55 - Marrakech, Menara (RAK)
4godz 55m SB Bez przerwy
Transport:  W43271
Klasa kabiny: Economy
Taryfy: BASIC
30 gru
1. Marrakesz
Zatrzymaj się
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Gateway to the desert and the south, Marrakech is overwhelming like no other imperial city of Morocco. Its reddish-pink streets and alleys are full of sounds, sights, smells and life. The mid-summer heat is enough to prostrate most tourists. The best times to explore Marrakech are early morning, early evening, and winter, during winter temperatures are mild, but fall significantly at night, due to the cold air from the High Atlas. The Djemaa El-Fna, Assembly of the Dead, is anything but what its name suggests. A hot and crowded market by day, the Djemaa really gets rolling at sunset when the entertainers invade. This chaotic outdoor circus offers a microcosms of Morocco at its most exotic. The huge audience clusters in tight circles around the diverse cast of performers. Almost every tour of Marrakech begins at the 12th century Koutoubia Mosque, with its magnificent minaret presiding over the Djemaa. The minaret, crowned by a lantern of three golden spheres, is the oldest and purest surviving example of the architecture of the Almohads. The city’s two most breathtaking monuments date from the 16th century. Feast your eyes and cool off at the ornate Ben Youssef Madrassa, the largest Qur’anic school in North Africa. Even more lavish are the dazzling Saadian Tombs, modelled upon the interior of the Alhambra in Granada. The view from the terrace at the Badi Palace, now in ruins, is majestic. Close by we find the 19th century Bahia Palace. It is an ornate and beautiful palace with restful fountained gardens. To escape from the relentless midday sun, wander in the lush Menara Gardens and lounge in the charming lakeside pavilion. Marrakech is noisy, busy, dusty and chaotic. It is a visual and sensory banquet of colour, diverse cultures, architecture and design. Marrakech delivers an exotic and exciting taste of Africa and the best part is that it is only a few hours away from Europe by plane.
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Transport z Marrakesz do Agadir
Nie wybrano połączenia
30 gru
2. Agadir
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Just 3 hours away from the capitals of Europe, lies a paradise of fine golden sands and blissful sunshine for more than 300 days a year, an endless beach stretches along the ocean shoreline. … The Miami of Morocco offers endless mid- to high-class accommodations and a plethora of outdoor activities, you can come and enjoy days of golfing, sailing, tennis playing, horseback riding, surfing; including windsurfing and kite surfing. Agadir also abounds with international dining venues. All you need for a great seaside holidays.
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30 gru
5 Nocy
Transport z Agadir do Agafay Desert
Nie wybrano połączenia
04 sty
3. Agafay Desert
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Pustynia Agafay, położona w odległości krótkiej przejażdżki od Marrakeszu, jest obowiązkowym miejscem dla każdego, kto chce doświadczyć piękna i spokoju pustynnych krajobrazów Maroka. Dzięki surowemu pięknu i niekończącej się przestrzeni wydm, Agafay oferuje ucieczkę od zgiełku miejskiego życia. Od przejażdżek na wielbłądach po jazdę na quadach, istnieje wiele sposobów na zwiedzanie pustyni i podziwianie oszałamiających widoków. Goście mogą również zjeść tradycyjną marokańską kolację pod gwiazdami, której towarzyszyć będzie lokalna muzyka i rozrywka. Dla tych, którzy szukają bardziej wciągających wrażeń, istnieje kilka luksusowych obozów namiotowych, w których można spędzić noc w komforcie, jednocześnie ciesząc się spokojem pustyni. Obudź się przy dźwiękach śpiewu ptaków i delikatnym kołysaniu namiotów i wyjdź na zewnątrz, aby obserwować wschód słońca nad wydmami. Pustynia Agafay to wyjątkowe i niezapomniane miejsce, które oferuje wgląd w naturalne piękno i bogactwo kulturowe Maroka. Bez względu na to, czy szukasz przygód, relaksu, czy po prostu odpoczynku od miasta, Agafay będzie doskonałym wyborem podczas pobytu w mieście Agafay.
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Transport z Agafay Desert do Marrakesz
Nie wybrano połączenia
07 sty
4. Marrakesz
Pobyt od
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Gateway to the desert and the south, Marrakech is overwhelming like no other imperial city of Morocco. Its reddish-pink streets and alleys are full of sounds, sights, smells and life. The mid-summer heat is enough to prostrate most tourists. The best times to explore Marrakech are early morning, early evening, and winter, during winter temperatures are mild, but fall significantly at night, due to the cold air from the High Atlas. The Djemaa El-Fna, Assembly of the Dead, is anything but what its name suggests. A hot and crowded market by day, the Djemaa really gets rolling at sunset when the entertainers invade. This chaotic outdoor circus offers a microcosms of Morocco at its most exotic. The huge audience clusters in tight circles around the diverse cast of performers. Almost every tour of Marrakech begins at the 12th century Koutoubia Mosque, with its magnificent minaret presiding over the Djemaa. The minaret, crowned by a lantern of three golden spheres, is the oldest and purest surviving example of the architecture of the Almohads. The city’s two most breathtaking monuments date from the 16th century. Feast your eyes and cool off at the ornate Ben Youssef Madrassa, the largest Qur’anic school in North Africa. Even more lavish are the dazzling Saadian Tombs, modelled upon the interior of the Alhambra in Granada. The view from the terrace at the Badi Palace, now in ruins, is majestic. Close by we find the 19th century Bahia Palace. It is an ornate and beautiful palace with restful fountained gardens. To escape from the relentless midday sun, wander in the lush Menara Gardens and lounge in the charming lakeside pavilion. Marrakech is noisy, busy, dusty and chaotic. It is a visual and sensory banquet of colour, diverse cultures, architecture and design. Marrakech delivers an exotic and exciting taste of Africa and the best part is that it is only a few hours away from Europe by plane.
Więcej informacji
07 sty
3 Nocy
10 sty
5. Marrakesz
Zatrzymaj się
Informacje o miejscu docelowym: Gateway to the desert and the south, Marrakech is overwhelming like no other imperial city of Morocco. Its reddish-pink streets and alleys are full of sounds, sights, smells and life. The mid-summer heat is enough to prostrate most tourists. The best times to explore Marrakech are early morning, early evening, and winter, during winter temperatures are mild, but fall significantly at night, due to the cold air from the High Atlas. The Djemaa El-Fna, Assembly of the Dead, is anything but what its name suggests. A hot and crowded market by day, the Djemaa really gets rolling at sunset when the entertainers invade. This chaotic outdoor circus offers a microcosms of Morocco at its most exotic. The huge audience clusters in tight circles around the diverse cast of performers. Almost every tour of Marrakech begins at the 12th century Koutoubia Mosque, with its magnificent minaret presiding over the Djemaa. The minaret, crowned by a lantern of three golden spheres, is the oldest and purest surviving example of the architecture of the Almohads. The city’s two most breathtaking monuments date from the 16th century. Feast your eyes and cool off at the ornate Ben Youssef Madrassa, the largest Qur’anic school in North Africa. Even more lavish are the dazzling Saadian Tombs, modelled upon the interior of the Alhambra in Granada. The view from the terrace at the Badi Palace, now in ruins, is majestic. Close by we find the 19th century Bahia Palace. It is an ornate and beautiful palace with restful fountained gardens. To escape from the relentless midday sun, wander in the lush Menara Gardens and lounge in the charming lakeside pavilion. Marrakech is noisy, busy, dusty and chaotic. It is a visual and sensory banquet of colour, diverse cultures, architecture and design. Marrakech delivers an exotic and exciting taste of Africa and the best part is that it is only a few hours away from Europe by plane.
Więcej informacji
10 sty
Transport z Marrakesz do Bukareszt
WizzAir WizzAir - W43272
20:30 - Marrakech, Menara (RAK)
02:15 - Bucharest, Henri Coanda (OTP)
+1 dzień 4godz 45m SB Bez przerwy
Transport:  W43272
Klasa kabiny: Economy
Taryfy: BASIC
Całkowita cena Z 4.950 €
Plan podróży obejmuje
Destynacje 5
Transport 2
Zakwaterowanie 3

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